When you or a loved one is in emotional distress, the pain can be unbearable and the need for relief can be overwhelming. At times like these you need a professional who is caring, experienced, and knowledgeable about your condition. This is exactly what you will find when you visit Dr. Sokolski at The Newport Center for Behavioral Medicine. With over thirty years of experience treating patients with a wide range of psychiatric disorders, a background in academic and research psychiatry, and extensive training in clinical and psychotherapeutic techniques, Dr. Sokolski applies the highest level of skill toward correctly diagnosing and treating your condition providing the most rapid relief of your symptoms whenever possible.
As an educator of psychiatric physicians and an academic at the forefront of psychiatric research, Dr. Sokolski will thoroughly evaluate your symptoms, explain your diagnosis, and clearly review potential therapies so that working as a team, doctor and patient can develop strategies which will be the most helpful at resolving your condition. Because you are viewed more like a family member in our office instead of another “case,” your treatment will involve an intensive level of caring and devotion on the doctor’s part to help you resolve your illness. This includes a genuine sense that your wellbeing matters so that all of your concerns are addressed and taken seriously. At every stage of your treatment, you will be encouraged to ask questions and participate in making decisions.
At Newport Center for Behavioral Medicine, you will never simply be a prescription or a diagnosis as a great deal of importance will be placed at each visit in interacting with you, understanding you as a person, and evaluating the stresses which are affecting you. In addition to your mental health, your physical condition will be continuously evaluated, particularly as it relates to your emotional symptoms. The concept that wellness involves all aspects of your life will always be respected and will be a part of your ongoing treatment.
As a consequence of our mutual need to interact on an ongoing basis, you will be able to contact the doctor when necessary to resolve any issues which may arise. Patients often note that during treatment through this office, they feel very comfortable with Dr. Sokolski and are able to discuss any number of issues including family distress, past traumas, job stress, relationship difficulties, phobias, and other areas which affect their functioning and quality of life. In this regard, appointments almost always involve both psychotherapy and medical management of behavioral difficulties in order to address environmental stress and provide medical therapy.
In addition to the valuable interactions which occur at every meeting, many patients report that there is an optimism and hopefulness that pervades their treatment with Dr. Sokolski. Most treated patients improve and many completely resolve their symptoms. Dr. Sokolski never gives up on any patient and works as hard as necessary toward improving a patient’s wellbeing and helping them reach their maximum potential. He is an excellent listener and works to address patients concerns rather than lecturing them or imposing his ideas on them. He makes recommendations, provides the plusses and the minuses of given treatments, and helps patients decide which therapy, if any, they wish to pursue. The goal through this office is to fully understand and as much as possible to determine what is causing a patient’s distress and offer well tolerated treatments to relieve symptoms as rapidly as possible.
The strategy to achieve this goal is to first meet with new patients for one to two hours in order to obtain a thorough history including symptoms, past treatments, medical conditions, and family history. Records and contacts with past physicians will be utilized at this time to solidify a diagnosis. In most cases, patients are provided a diagnosis and treatment plan at the completion of the first visit. This may include recommendations for testing, psychotherapy, and medication.
Patients are given contact telephone numbers so that they can reach Dr. Sokolski, If needed. In most cases, patients are seen for follow-up appointments in two weeks so that treatment can be evaluated and adjustments can be made. Once therapy starts to improve the condition, many patients who are stable may be seen every one to three months. Patients who are stable on therapy often continue to do well indefinitely.
Healing from behavioral illnesses is a journey which quite often leads to significant, long-lasting improvements. For some the changes are life-altering, others achieve a state of wellness for the first time, even years after their symptoms first appeared. As one of the premier centers for psychiatric treatment in southern California, with a wealth of clinical, research, and academic experience, The Newport Center For Behavioral Medicine is among the most capable and qualified facilities to address all of your emotional needs. As the medical director, Dr Sokolski can offer you a wealth of experience and compassion toward reaching your optimal level of health and wellbeing.